[RS800] vu sur le site de classe

18 years 1 month ago #53413 by La Marmotte
RS News

RS800 October 2006 Update

LDC Racing Sailboats / RS800 Class Association

Update - October 2006

Following a suggestion at the Class meeting held at the Nationals, a
technical committee has been formed and tasked with working with LDC to
improve certain key components of the RS800 with regard reliability and
ease of ownership. The committee consists of Alan Olive, Andy Jeffries,
Nick Peters, and Alex Southon (RS after-sales manager).

Items under scrutiny include the following:

1. The mast, reinforcement and fixings: Selden have been agreed to
produce a trial mast with all reinforcement integrally wound, but
external; t-terminals on the standing rigging; fixed, welded spreaders to
the class standard dimensions; improved fittings, and possibly some or
all halliards internal.
2. Sail reinforcement and detail: Heavier stitching in key areas,
webbing reinforcement in head, tack, and clews where required; Longer
main boltrope, which is now solid; internal Velcro batten closures:
Increased main / jib patching.
3. Daggerboard casing: Improved packing system, Damage limitation on
running aground for both board and hull.
4. Hull: fitting fastening detail, ventilation, ease of manufacture
and cost.

LDC has welcomed the opportunity for this period of consultation and the
next batch of new boat production will incorporate the changes once they
have been agreed. It is made clear that any improvements will NOT be
performance affecting, and such improvements that are agreed upon will be
implemented using the RS Class Association’s tried and tested protocol.

The Class Association and LDC are excited about improving our great boat,
and will keep you informed through the process.

In the meantime LDC report excellent interest levels in the RS800. Enjoy
the Autumn’s sailing, the Sprint champs and of course the RS Ball!

Author: RS Association/LDC

Posted on 02 November 2006 at 13:27

geek; RS 400 970 with a purple Hull !

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18 years 1 month ago #53414 by La Marmotte
RS News

Women’s Olympic Skiff Trials - Message from LDC

Women’s Olympic Skiff Trials

You may well have heard that ISAF (International Sailing Federation) are
planning to hold a trial for a potential women’s Olympic skiff class. We,
LDC Racing Sailboats, have been encouraged by ISAF to take part in the
trials. We are considering this and would work in partnership with
Vanguard Sailboats in the USA to develop a new boat based on one of our
existing models – Vanguard’s Vector or the RS800. The first step would be
to choose the model to develop.

If we choose to develop the RS800 for the possible Olympic slot we would
then make a number of changes specifically to suit this role. The changes
are a long way from being defined yet and may include the rig, racks and
deck layout. Completely separate class rules and events would be
required. The class would probably be named with a suffix, for example
RS800 XL, in line with some of our other boats.

We believe that a separate class would not affect the events and success
of the RS800. There are no current 800 teams likely to be drawn into the
new fleet - it would not be possible for Olympic sailors to compete in
RS800 events without changing boats.

This project has a very long way to go:
Choice of boat to develop

MAJOR hurdle for ISAF to deselect an existing class to make way for a
women’s skiff for the 2012 Games. It’s actually an even bigger hurdle
than that because sailing has to go down from 11 to 10 classes in 2012

If all that lot went our way, then the major benefit would be
internationalisation (is that a word) of the RS name plus steady, if not
huge, sales of a new class.

The purpose of this message is to keep you informed of our deliberations
and ask that you contact us if you have any comments. We want you to know
that we are acutely aware of the strength and success of the RS800 fleet
and, as you already know, we are already committed to working with the
Class to build on that.

Martin Wadhams
LDC Racing Sailboats

Author: Martin Wadhams

Posted on 13 November 2006 at 17:22

geek; RS 400 970 with a purple Hull !

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18 years 1 month ago #53418 by guytoon
C'est cool vous allez peut-être avoir enfin de vrai voiles ... ;D

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18 years 1 month ago #53438 by Cédric F
C'est assez intéressant que LDC cherche à améliorer ses bateaux et les nombreux petits détails qui posent problème. Cependant, il est dommage que tout cela n'ait pas été pris en compte au moment de la conception des bateaux. C'est la seule chose que je reproche à LDC. Chez Laser, ce genre de truc n'arrive jamais. Il y a toujours au moins un an de test entre la première mise à l'eau et la commercialisation.

Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.

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18 years 1 month ago #53439 by Arthur
Mais chez laser les bateaux sont au moins une fois et demie plus lourd que ce qu'il devrait etre (hors gueuses ;D ).

si on enleve l'année de test, LDC a un retour sur investissement bien plus rapide (C'est important quand on a pas une tresorerie de grosse boite). Ils prennent le risque de faire un bateau moins fiabilisé et que la série ne marche pas. Mais vu le nombre de rs en france, leur pari à l'air plutot gagnant.

est ce que je vous ai dit qu'il etait beau notre bateau?

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18 years 1 month ago #53440 by Fréd

Mais vu le nombre de rs en france

Je dirais plutôt "en Angleterre" ! ::)

Fréd. ;)

Le nouveau Croc' est arrivé, vraiment heureux de retrouver tout le monde sur l'eau !

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18 years 1 month ago #53441 by Cédric F
Clairement, mais ça m'a fait bien chier de devoir par exemple acheter le système de collier pour empêcher tout jeu dans les échelles. Il aurait dû y penser avant tellement c'est évident. Ca me fait chier de me retrouver avec des échelles en alu noir avec la peinture qui fout le camp... J'achète pas un stricte monotype pour bricoler.

Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.

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  • lemott
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18 years 1 month ago #53442 by lemott
Replied by lemott on topic [RS800] vu sur le site de classe

J'achète pas un stricte monotype pour bricoler.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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18 years 1 month ago #53443 by Fréd

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

On sait tous, Andreas, que pour rien au monde tu n'achèterais un Bladerider !!! ;D

Fréd. ;)

Le nouveau Croc' est arrivé, vraiment heureux de retrouver tout le monde sur l'eau !

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18 years 1 month ago #53444 by lemott
Replied by lemott on topic [RS800] vu sur le site de classe

On sait tous, Andreas, que pour rien au monde tu n'achèterais un Bladerider !!! ;D

Fréd. ;)

OUAIS. Pas envie de changer de foils et de voile tous les deux ans :P. Trop de bricolage, quoi.

Allez j'y mets encore un degré:
Mon dernier moth, GER1029, doit être un stricte monotype qua definitionem, car, depuis que je l'ai, je n'ai jamais bricolé dessus.
Où va la classe moth, si on navigue seulement et en plus sans amemer un pot de colle uhu sur l'eau?

Plus sérieusement, je pense tout sport de matos (planche, parapente, voile) implique l'obligation de s'occuper du matos. Et un bateau par mec, ça fait beaucoup de matos comparé à celui d'une équipe de foot!

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18 years 1 month ago #53445 by Fréd

Et un bateau par mec, ça fait beaucoup de matos comparé à celui d'une équipe de foot!

C'est bien une réflexion de solitaire, ça ! ::) ;D

Fréd. ;)

Le nouveau Croc' est arrivé, vraiment heureux de retrouver tout le monde sur l'eau !

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17 years 11 months ago #55242 by Cédric F

Les changements dont nous parlions sur le RS 800 se précisent : des tests auront lieu à HISC la semaine prochaine.

Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.

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  • Ben
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17 years 11 months ago #55244 by Ben
Replied by Ben on topic [RS800] vu sur le site de classe
Bonne initiative de la part du chantier

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17 years 10 months ago #57044 by La Marmotte

Extrait d'un message de Derek Buchanan envoyé sur la liste de diffusion RS 800 :

"Watch for delamination on the deck around the areas where the helm's feet go
can be few 100 quid to repair by pro but not critical.

Check for weakness at the shroud plates and for vertical cracks in the side
hull below these which is a sign of too much rig tension having been put on.
Again emminently repairable by pro.

Check for cracks where the forestay "bar" attaches on the bow. In some cases
this is simply the gel coat lifting - if there's a bubble then ask if you
can chip it off to check for cracks. Again repairable by pro

Check for ask about damage/repairs to the daggerboard casing caused by
running aground. Repair will be evident at aft end on underside and front
at deck level. Chips in gel coat makes no odds your looking for cracks.
Issue is whether its a bodge or pro repair.

Ask if the mainsheet cleat/turret's pulled out of the deck yet similalry the
jib cleat - if they have how were they refitted? It's not an issue but it's
worth knowing so that you can take it off and refit with epoxy so you do not
waste a weekends sailing when it does.

Check the mast track for splits along its length especially at the top 1-2
ft and at the points where the battens put pressure on the track (around the
upper spreaders). Pinch the track between your finders - any movement then
section will need replaced or track as a whole replaced.

On the older masts check for additional kevlar wrap around the very top -
this is required to prevent the top fitting from splitting the tube. Look
for corrosion in the kevlar below the cleats.

Check for movement in the rudder fittings at the stern

Boat obviously should not "take in" water"

geek; RS 400 970 with a purple Hull !

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  • Ben
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17 years 10 months ago #57047 by Ben
Replied by Ben on topic [RS800] vu sur le site de classe
La liste est longue.

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17 years 10 months ago #57048 by Cédric F

La liste est longue.

Bah il y a beaucoup de chose à vérifier quand on achète un bateau d'occasion. Je pense effectivement que ce message est une réponse à la traditonnelle question : que faut-il regarder quand on achète un skiff d'occasion ?

Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.

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17 years 10 months ago #57059 by La Marmotte

geek; RS 400 970 with a purple Hull !

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  • Ben
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17 years 10 months ago #57066 by Ben
Replied by Ben on topic [RS800] vu sur le site de classe
Le nouveau plan de pont apporte des solutions à ces points de faiblesse ?

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17 years 10 months ago #57068 by La Marmotte
Ben, tout ce qui est indiqué n'a rien à voir avec les modifs proposées par LDC, c'est à vérifier sur n'importe quel bateau, en particulier quand tu ne connais pas l'historique du bateau (Xeme main, beaucoup regater etc.). Dereck Buchanan indique juste comment le faire sur un 800.

Le seul point de faiblesse est l'ancien mat, changé depuis plusieurs saisons maintenant. Celà dit tous les premiers mats ne cassent pas, loin de là !

Pour les tourelles de GV et foc, la jauge permet de les modifiers. Si la modification a été bricolée, il y a risque de prise d'eau et de pourissement de la contreplaque donc arrachage possible des tourelles.

geek; RS 400 970 with a purple Hull !

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17 years 10 months ago #57083 by Frederic T
le meilleur moyen est encore de suprimer la tourelle de gv (qui sert à rien!) :-X ;D

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