National Français de RS en 2006
J'ai demandé à Ian de poster un message pour avoir vos avis et entammer la discussion. Merci de lui réserver le meilleur accueil et de parler en Anglais dans ce sujet maintenant. David nous corrigera.

So Ian, just leave your message now and let's begin the debate so as to find a date and a place to organise a French RS National.
First of all, dear French RS sailors, let us know your opinion
on this idea.
Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.
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I think it is useful to be clever to find the good place as we could have some swiss boats and probably german who are also looking for interesting RS events.
I would be happy to crew for a french or an international boat

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- François M.
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My only concern is this would be an additional meeting to Breihz Skiff Trophee regattas and Eurocup.
For my own, I would not go to another race for more than a weekend.
Is there something that would prevent us from having the French chamionship during a BSP regatta?
Must this race be a single boat kind?
I am not sure that we would host enough boats to have an interesting enough race with a single kind boat race.
Carnac would be a great place to race in early september :-[ but, I believe the place is already taken.

I believe that English folk would prefer racing in Brittany or Normandy. Am I right?
Si vous voulez aller sur leau sans risque de chavirer. Nachetez pas un bateau, achetez une île. [Marcel PAGNOL]
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Lyman N°55055 - 1958
Guépard N°114 - 2012 Vendu!
Bihan 6.50 N°347 en Juillet!
Site Web:
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"it will goes"... pas sûr !... causer ingliche....
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I was very pleased (and surprised) to see the number of French 700's sailing at La Rochelle. This started me thinking of ways to encourage the fleet to grow and the obvious one which seemed to make most sense was the 'National Français de RS'.
The date, venue and format of the event could be entirely in your hands and I see no reason why you could not combine this with one of your Breihz Skiff Trophee events. If we want to attract the UK RS fleet over the channel the North of France obviously makes much more sense.
It might also be possible to put together a Eurocup circuit - UK Nationals, French Nationals, Lake Garda. Now there's a great thought!
At the moment I have not discussed this with anyone else in the UK in any detail and can't make any guarantees as to what support you could expect. However if there is enough energy and enthusiasm within the French sailing community to put the event on, I will do everything I can to help make the event a success.
e.g. See what level of interest there might be within the UK fleet to participate. Speak to LDC or the French importer to support you in some way. etc
Sorry my written French isn't strong enough to post this in your native language and my apologies for those who struggle with English.
It was great to meet some of you at La Rochelle.
Good Sailing
RS700 GBR912
p.s. Great Website!
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- François M.
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But, let's keep in mind the number of events during the year.
If there are too many, we won't be as many at each.
Si vous voulez aller sur leau sans risque de chavirer. Nachetez pas un bateau, achetez une île. [Marcel PAGNOL]
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Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.
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Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.
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"I like the idea of combining the RS nationals with your September event in
Carnac. I would suggest you allow a separate start for each RS class which
arrive with 4 or more boats. You can still include them in the Interseries
results by recording the elapsed times and basing the handicap result on
François M, Equerre, Gilles, André and all the others RS sailors, I need your opinion and your advice.
I am aslo wondering how the others skiff sailors who are participate in the breizhskiff trophée would react if we were to include the French RS national in the Carnac event.
Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.
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Par ailleurs je comprend ton interêt Cedric de vouloir tout réunir à Carnac : Cherubs, RS et toutes les autres bonnes ames cependant je ne suis pas certain qu'il faille mettre tous les oeufs dans le même panier.
Pour moi soit Carnac décide de se relancer dans les Eurosails et dans quel cas ils prennent les risques soit c'est Breizhskiff qui fédère les skiffs en France et dans quel cas il faut mettre de l'interêt à différentes régates. Carnac a une fréquentation presque garantie du fait de sa position centrale. Pourquoi pas développer une autre régate ?
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Effectivement je suis plutôt contre des régates breizhskiff où il y aurait plusieurs départs en fonction des séries présentes. Certaines séries prendraient un ascendant sur les autres du fait d'une plus forte fréquentation artificiellement gonflée par la venue d'équipages anglais. Breizhskiff est indissociable de l'interséries, on ne transige pas là dessus. Maintenant, j'ai tendance à penser que la mise en place d'un national français RS qui soit en dehors des régates breizhskiff serait une connerie parce qu'une date supplémentaire aurait sans doute des conséquences sur la participation aux autres régates.
Une des solutions consisterait à faire le national RS lors de l'épreuve de Quiberon ou lors des deux événements qui nous manquent pour l'année prochaine en juin et en octobre. Sachant que pour attirer des Anglais qu'on le veuille ou non, nous ne pouvons pas leur faire faire des km depuis la sortie du Ferry, encore plus pour un week-end.
Maintenant il faut aller vite vis à vis des anglais.
Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.
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- François M.
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If there are enough RS sailors, we build a complete RS event.
If there is not, we can integrate it in a Breizh Skiff Trophee event.

On my own side, (there I agree with Gilles our MaîtRS

More seriously, of course a single start for all boats may a bit upset some RS boats. But, the unfortunate event of crossing with other boats will happen anyway.
The only real advantage I would see in having separate starts is the better pictures of RS that could be shot on the line.
I don't think this could make other boats feel jalous, this did not happen though the best French Cherub was distinguished in Carnac.
Some advantage and disavdantage I can also foresee:
That may discourage best english sailors to come in France.
This would prevent from waiting for too long for a start and what about waiting for a second start when some of pevious starts fails...

That keeps our "All skiff are skiffs" spirit which enrichs our evening discussion just because we really had the same race.
If there are too many problems with a single start on day one, this can be changed even for the second start of the day.
I would not like to race with only 10 other boats where I could race with 30.
Would a two days event be attractive enough to english sailors. I repeat I would not go for more once again during the year.
My moment thoughts... please amend.
Best regards,
Si vous voulez aller sur leau sans risque de chavirer. Nachetez pas un bateau, achetez une île. [Marcel PAGNOL]
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I think it would be difficult to pursuade the UK sailors to come over to take part in a handicap race. This is something most of us can do every weekend at our local club without travelling ?00's km.
If we are to get some commercial support for the RS event, I think the companies would want the photo opportunity and profile associated with a single RS start.
However I understand and respect the concerns and comments which have been made. I believe this should firstly be a French event for the French sailors. If we are able to introduce some foreigners to the party, then this is the cream on the cake.
Whatever format you decide to adopt, if you go ahead with the RS French Nationals, I'll do what I can to support the event with the UK sailors and LDC.

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Les fautes étaient "signalées", mais pas geulées et je n'ai pas entendu un mot au dessus de l'autre
Euh... là je n'ai pas dû faire la même régate.
C'est vrai que d'un bateau à l'autre les echanges étaient courtois mais il n'a pas été rare (surtout samedi) d'entendre des barreurs gueuler voir hurler sur leur équipier juste avant les dessalages.
Le nombre de "Ho merde" ou "mais choc donc!" qu'on pouvait entendre aux bouées.
Et je parle en connaissance de cause, mon équipier n'ayant pas réussi à sortir le spi samedi alors que j'avais personnelement gréer l'envoi de tangon n'importe comment.
Barreurs! soyez indulgents et polis envers vos équipiers!
Ou leur vengeance sera terrible
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Breizh Skiff Project, YCCarnac.
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